Academic calendars 2024-2025

The academic calendars belonging to the 2024-2025 courses are already available.


Info Session: Official Master's Degrees

Should I study a master? Learn about FIB Master's Programs in our Information sessions- Sign up now!

Call for elections for Rector of UPC

The elections for rector will take place through electronic voting, from May 13th to 16th. Check the electoral calendar.


Banco Santander opens two grants for entrepreneurs and university startups with a total budget of €18,000.

The Sofistes del Sistema team from the UPC Bioinformatics programme has been selected as a finalist in the UPC Debate League.

Over a hundred students from Escola Pia de Sarrià took part in 'Let's Go Engineering' at the FIB, engaging in activities on technology, artificial intelligence, and cybersecurity.

Save the weekend from May 2nd to 4th, choose your role: Volunteer or Hacker, and level up during a weekend full of activities, tech talks, and high-level networking.

TU Darmstadt invites experienced postdocs, lecturers, and professors from Unite! partner universities to apply for funded visiting professorships 

From 24th of February to 21st of May the admission period for the FIB's official master's degrees will be open.

Concurs IA UPC

First UPC AI Competition


Tue 01 Apr
 16:00 - 17:00
  Sala d'actes Manuel Martí Recober
Fri 25 Apr
 12:00 - 13:00
  Sala d'actes Manuel Martí Recober
Tue 29 Apr
 12:00 - 13:00
  Sala d'actes Manuel Martí Recober
Upcoming International Mobility Calls for FIB's students

Request an appointment

If you are required to fulfill any formalities related to degrees, master's programs, internships within a company, institutional matters, or engage in discussions with the vice-deans and/or head of studies, etc.

Should you need to visit the FIB administration in person, kindly request an appointment!



Request an appointment


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