The Faculty gives students the opportunity to undertake internships at companies. Internships give students practical experience supervised by the Faculty. The goal is to help students apply what they’ve learned in class and build professional skills to prepare for future jobs.
These internships are part of educational cooperation agreements, regulated by Royal Decree 592/2014, which sets the guidelines for internships for university students.
More than 300 students from the Barcelona School of Informatics participate in the educational cooperation agreements related to the degrees and various master’s programs offered by the Faculty
In the case of undergraduate degrees, it is essential for students to have completed at least half of the credits required for their program (120 credits) in order to participate in an educational cooperation agreement.
Maximum number of hours. In a single academic year a student, whether in an undergraduate or master’s program, may complete a maximum of 900 hours of internship hours.
It is also established that the maximum number of internship hours throughout the studies will be:
The academic year for agreements starts on 16th of September until 15th of September the following year.
The amount that students must receive may not be less than (*):
10 €/hour gross for undergraduate students
11 €/hour gross for master's students
For the student, this is income earned from work for third parties and, as such, is subject to the withholdings set out in the Personal Income Tax (IRPF) regulations.
The agreements will be invoiced by the Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya at a rate of 15.7% for management fees. Furthermore, the applicable VAT will be 21%.
Intellectual property
Companies are required to include students with whom they have a formalized agreement in the social Security system. More information
Notice about signing documents:
The agreement must be signed electronically.
The gross amount to be paid may not be below (*):
10€ per hour for Degree students
11€ per hour for Master students
(*) In agreements with a start date from January 1, 2023.
Faculty won’t establish agreements with companies whose invoices are not paid.
The procedures for the agreement must begin 15 days before the start date of the practices.
See the New management practices in company section of the FIB website.(in Spanish)
Companies should take into account the students of GEI, GIA, MAI, MEI and MIRI can choose between a curricular internship (implies a Final Project Degree or a Final Master Thesis, and a recognition of credits) or extracurricular.
They are included in the curriculum of Informatics Engineering Degree as an optative area and became part of academic activities that involve:
The minimum loan of the internship subject and the Degree Final Project is 735 hours.
How it works
The Faculty of Informatics reserves the right to participate in an agreement, as well as an existing agreement renewals, when the academic performance of the student is not adjusted to the minimum established: an academic parameter (it is known as the quoficient between credits students has passed and credits students has registered) superior to 0,50.
Curricular Internship (Masters)
Students of degree
Students of Master
Notice about signing documents:
The student will sign the agreement electronically through the UPC signatory system.
The gross amount to be paid may not be below (*):
10€ per hour for Degree students
11€ per hour for Master students
(*) In agreements with a start date from January 1, 2023.
In the case of academic internships at the UPC, the economic regime will be that established in UPC the Regulations:
5 hours / week: 175 euros/month
10 hours / week: 350 euros/month
15 hours / week: 525 euros/month
20 hours / week: 700 euros/month
In the case of academic internships at the Barcelona Supercomputing Center (BSC), the amount that the student will receive is:
10 € / hour gross for Degree students
11 € / hour gross for Master students
The Faculty does not accept internships when the tasks involved are different from the functions of an Informatics Engineer.
At the end of the internship:
Once the internship has finished, the company tutor and the student must fill in a final report through the Racó.
These documents are essential for the evaluation of the internship.
The Final Project registration must be done in the previous quarter to the Final Project inscription.
The final result from an internship with a favourable evaluation, will be the obtained in the Final Project. In the case of an unfavourable obtained result or not to have the Final Project registered in the subsequent quarter of the initial internship, the result will be a failure.
Remind you the Final Project in B modality is defended in the first tribunal meeting after the finalization of agreement in the business company which has done.
Royal decree 592/2014 of 11th July, which regulates the internship of university students.
Governing board agreement 2022/05/13, which approves the internship regulation of UPC. Document approved in 5 July 2022.
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