The aim of ADEI is to provide students with the knowledge and skills to be able to deal with the information needs of organizations, that is, to know how to take advantage of the data stored by the IS of the organizations in order to integrate automatic systems help in decision-making. The underlying idea is that data is a treasure for organizations and that through their exploitation the information they contain is revealed. The subject is developed from the resolution of the problems of a real practical case. It is divided into four blocks: Data quality and summary description. Prediction tools in organizations, multivariate analysis of data and establishment of typologies. The course includes the presentation of results obtained in the case study.
Person in charge
Lidia Montero Mercadé (
Xavier Angerri Torredeflot (
Bhumika Ashvinbhai Patel (
Josep Franquet Fàbregas (
Weekly hours
Guided learning
Autonomous learning
Technical Competences of each Specialization
Information systems specialization
CSI2 - To integrate solutions of Information and Communication Technologies, and business processes to satisfy the information needs of the organizations, allowing them to achieve their objectives effectively.
- To demonstrate comprehension and apply the management principles and techniques about quality and technological innovation in the organizations.
- To demonstrate knowledge and application capacity of extraction and knowledge management systems .
Transversal Competences
G9 [Avaluable] - Capacity of critical, logical and mathematical reasoning. Capacity to solve problems in her study area. Abstraction capacity: capacity to create and use models that reflect real situations. Capacity to design and perform simple experiments and analyse and interpret its results. Analysis, synthesis and evaluation capacity.
- Critical capacity, evaluation capacity.
Third language
G3 [Avaluable] - To know the English language in a correct oral and written level, and accordingly to the needs of the graduates in Informatics Engineering. Capacity to work in a multidisciplinary group and in a multi-language environment and to communicate, orally and in a written way, knowledge, procedures, results and ideas related to the technical informatics engineer profession.
- To study using resources written in English. To write a report or a technical document in English. To participate in a technical meeting in English.
Learn how to identify the three levels of decision making in a company
Related competences:
It presented the three levels of decision making in companies. What are the main business processes and how is stored the generated data. Objectives:1 Contents:
Problems in data quality: This is seen in the Case Study or problems that may present data: inconsistency, redundancy. Missing data. Outliers. How do I report data quality. What is the standardization of data. Objectives:15 Contents:
Perspectiva del modelatge per tècniques de regressió lineal : components estadístiques implicades. Rols: variables de resposta/explicatives
Objectives:413 Contents:
Practice Principal Component Analysis, interpretation of the representations obtained. Positioning of the supplementary information. Objectives:91013 Contents:
Learning the course consists of three distinct phases:
1. Acquisition of specific knowledge through the study of literature and material provided by teachers. 2. The acquisition of skills in specific techniques of data analysis and exploitation of information and
3. Integration of knowledge, skills and competencies (specific and generic) by solving a real Case Study.
In theory classes serve to expose the foundations of methodologies and techniques of the subject.
The laboratory classes are used to learn the use of specific techniques for solving problems, using appropriate informatics tools, in this sense, students first must repeat the problem solved previously by the teachers and then solve a similar one.
While the case study, are setttled in groups in selflearning hours, and serves to put into practice the knowledge, skills and competences in solving a real case of ADEI.
Evaluation methodology
The evaluation of the course integrates the three phases of learning process: knowledge, skills and competencies.
The knowledge is assessed by two quizes, in the middle and last week of the course. If you fail this exam, students may have a final resit. (score T).
The skills assessed from the delivery from 2 to 5 practices relating to the course case study. Each of the blocks 2 and 3 involve a practice that students will perform either individually or in groups of 2, the same for blocks 4 and 5. The average of the scores comes out the L score.
The case study as a whole exercise will be evaluated based on the oral presentation (score P).
In the presentation of case study that generic skills will be assessed. In any case, the presentation of the case study is compulsory.
The final grade will obtained weighing the three scores: Final Mark = 0.4P + 0.3L + 0.3T.
Generic skills will be assessed on the scale: Fail, Pass, Good and Very good (D,C,B and A).
To assess the competence on English, it will be required to have written in English the report on the Case Study, moreover at the beginning of the presentation, the student must do an outline of the work in English as well. Regarding the reasoning competence, it will be assessed from the answers given to the presentation of the Case Study.