Internet has become not only an emerging but dominant media, especially the younger generation, surpassing even television. 30% of the world's population, over 2,000 million people are Internet users (March 2011). In recent years, has grown a paradigm shift in the so-called Web 2.0 that users are not merely recipients of information but participants, creating, sharing and reusing content on the web. Parallel services have enriched and diversified, email and static web pages have been added new services in constant evolution: a multitude of dynamic web applications and interactive chat rooms, forums, instant messaging, video conferencing, social networking , videostreaming, and much more. Not to mention the arrival of the mobile platforms such as smart phones, tablets, etc.. This has been crucial for marketing: businesses, institutions, politicians and even individuals to maximize the potential that the Internet provides them to develop their marketing strategies. The course serves to meet the different tools that the Internet provides and how you integrate
Person in charge
Antonio Cañabate Carmona (
Ferran Sabate Garriga (
Iñaki Vázquez Álvarez (
Susana Gimenez Buendia (
Weekly hours
Guided learning
Autonomous learning
Technical Competences of each Specialization
Information systems specialization
CSI2 - To integrate solutions of Information and Communication Technologies, and business processes to satisfy the information needs of the organizations, allowing them to achieve their objectives effectively.
- To demostrate knowledge and capacity to apply systems based on Internet (e-commerce, e-learning, etc.).
- To manage the presence of the organization in Internet.
CSI1 - To demonstrate comprehension and apply the principles and practices of the organization, in a way that they could link the technical and management communities of an organization, and participate actively in the user training.
Transversal Competences
G9 [Avaluable] - Capacity of critical, logical and mathematical reasoning. Capacity to solve problems in her study area. Abstraction capacity: capacity to create and use models that reflect real situations. Capacity to design and perform simple experiments and analyse and interpret its results. Analysis, synthesis and evaluation capacity.
- Critical capacity, evaluation capacity.
Explain the basics of marketing and how they are affected by the Internet and identify the main aspects to consider to use the Web as a business unit.
Related competences:
Develop a plan to achieve internet marketing goals selected for specific audiences, integrating the tools and tactics that are most appropriate.
Related competences:
Designing landing pages optimized for the achievement of specific objectives, ie, usable and high-converting traffic.
Related competences:
Use tools for monitoring users' browsing a Web site to analyze and understand their behavior and make decisions to improve to attract, convert and retain users.
Related competences:
Understand and apply the main tools and techniques to attract qualified traffic from search engines to Internet web pages, improving its position in the optimization results and the inclusion of sponsored links.
Related competences:
Apply marketing tools for permission to retain users through email and newsletters.
Related competences:
To determine the usefulness of social networks to promote themselves using the functionality they provide.
Related competences:
Monitor your online reputation of the company, the brand and its services or products.
Related competences:
Introduction to Internet marketing and the use of the Web as business unit.
We review the concept of traditional marketing (segmentation, positioning, marketing mix, ...) and how is affected by the Internet. And identified the key issues to consider to make the web a business unit. The digital marketing plan.
Designing usable and optimized landing pages for conversion of visits.
Exposition of the concept of landing page and conversion of user visits. Types of conversion pages and their integration into the information architecture of a website. Criteria for the contents. Web accessibility and usability criteria and tools for evaluation. Tests and tools to improve conversion.
Web Analytics.
Concept of analysis of web traffic. Objectives, key performance indicators and metrics. Using Google Analytics.
Search engine marketing.
Operation of search engines and relevancy factors of a website. Organic SEO versus pay positioning. Research and selection of keywords. Indexing criteria optimization (SEO). Use of sponsored and contextual ads with Google Adwords. Design and management of campaigns and measuring results.
Loyalty marketing and permission.
Concept and importance of loyalty. The e-mail marketing campaigns and types of ethical issues. The database of contacts. The design and content personalization. Shipping and campaign management.
Marketing on social networks.
Characteristics of Web 2.0 and how to use social networks to promote themselves. Different types of social networks. The role of community management. The management of corporate reputation online.
Other formats, tools and channels.
The Internet marketing is a field with many services, tools and techniques are constantly evolving. The latter is intended to cover some of them less deeply as banner advertising, viral campaigns, blog marketing, content syndication, video marketing, mobile marketing, etc..
ActivityEvaluation act
B1: Introduction to digital marketing and the use of the web as a business unit
In the first class, the functioning and structure of the course is explained and the working groups are formed. It is explained what digital marketing consists of, the digital marketing plan (DMP) and the concepts of conversion, web traffic and its typologies, traffic sources, etc. The documentation provided should be read/viewed, including the document explaining the tasks to be carried out in groups for this block. The formed groups of students will choose a fictitious company and will work on defining the Preliminary Analysis and Strategy sections of the DMP. Objectives:12 Contents:
B1: Delivery Preliminary Analysis and Strategy of the DMP
It consists of the delivery on the virtual campus (racó) of the document prepared with the sections of the Preliminary
Analysis and Strategy of the DMP. Objectives:12 Week:
Guided learning
Autonomous learning
B1: Preliminary Analysis and Strategy of the DMP
A videoconference session (Meet) for each laboratory group in which the teacher will give feedback on the work carried out in this block and indications for improvement for the next blocks and the final work of the DPM. Objectives:12 Contents:
B2: Designing persuasive, usable websites that convert
In this block you will work on conversion tactics for websites. The process of designing a usable and persuasive website will be applied, as well as the design criteria and techniques that optimise its ability to convert visitors into users who perform the actions that the company wants. The documentation provided should be read/viewed, including the document explaining the tasks to be carried out in groups for this block. The groups of students will work on the tasks, taking advantage of the teacher's support for doubts and queries. Objectives:3 Contents:
The working groups will deliver a presentation through the virtual campus (racó) presenting the results of the tasks of the block. The required groups will present their work in the laboratory class. Objectives:3 Week:
Guided learning
Autonomous learning
B2: Group work feedback
A videoconference session (Meet) for each laboratory group in which the teacher will give feedback on the work carried out in this block and indications for improvement for the next blocks and the final work of the DPM. Objectives:3 Contents:
In this block we will work on digital analytics techniques that allow us to obtain the metrics to control and monitor the objectives set for each aspect of the DMP. Mainly, but not only, you will see how Google Analytics works and how to use it to obtain these metrics to analyse conversion and traffic. The documentation provided should be read/reviewed. A written exercise from previous courses will be solved in class. The rest of the blocks include a task consisting of defining the metrics (kpi) to measure and control the objectives defined in these blocks. Objectives:4 Contents:
Completion of an individual exercise with questions related to the subject of digital analytics based on a practical case study. Objectives:4 Week:
Guided learning
Autonomous learning
B3: Feedback on digital analytics writen exercise
A videoconference session (Meet) for each laboratory group in which the teacher will give general feedback on the digital analytics exercise as well as guidelines for the final version of a metrics dashboard for the control and monitoring of the objectives of the different actions of the DMP. Objectives:4 Contents:
This is the first of the three blocks dealing with traffic acquisition. We return to the concept of traffic and its typologies and present the different sources of traffic and their characteristics. The acquisition of traffic from search engines, both free (SEO) and paid (SEM), is discussed. The factors that influence search engine positioning and the techniques for creating ad campaigns using Google Ads will be seen and applied. You should read/view the documentation provided, including the document explaining the tasks to be carried out in groups for this block. Groups of students will work on the tasks, taking advantage of the teacher's support for doubts and questions. Objectives:5 Contents:
The working groups will deliver a presentation through the virtual campus (racó) presenting the results of the tasks of the block. The required groups will present their work in the laboratory class. Objectives:5 Week:
Guided learning
Autonomous learning
B4: Group work feedback
A videoconference session (Meet) for each laboratory group in which the teacher will give feedback on the work carried out in this block and indications for improvement for the next blocks and the final work of the DPM. Objectives:5 Contents:
In this block you will work on traffic acquisition tactics that use e-mail as a source of traffic and communication channel. The documentation provided should be read/read, including the document explaining the tasks to be carried out in groups for this block. The groups of students will work on the tasks taking advantage of the teacher's support for doubts and questions. Objectives:6 Contents:
The working groups will deliver a presentation through the virtual campus (racó) presenting the results of the tasks of the block. The required groups will present their work in the laboratory class. Objectives:6 Week:
Guided learning
Autonomous learning
B5: Group work feedback
A videoconference session (Meet) for each laboratory group in which the teacher will give feedback on the work carried out in this block and indications for improvement for the next blocks and the final work of the DPM. Objectives:6 Contents:
In this block we will work on the use of social networks, which are a very versatile instrument. They can be used to get traffic of any type. They are also a good instrument to spread brand awareness and associate it with certain values, to maintain contact and build customer loyalty. The documentation provided, including the document explaining the tasks to be carried out in groups for this block, should be read/checked. The groups of students will work on the tasks, taking advantage of the teacher's support for doubts and questions. Objectives:78 Contents:
The working groups will deliver a presentation through the virtual campus (racó) presenting the results of the tasks of the block. The required groups will present their work in the laboratory class. Objectives:78 Week:
Guided learning
Autonomous learning
B6: Group work feedback
A videoconference session (Meet) for each laboratory group in which the teacher will give feedback on the work carried out in this block and indications for improvement for the next blocks and the final work of the DPM. Objectives:78 Contents:
After the work carried out in blocks B1 to B6, in which the digital marketing strategy and tactics (conversion and traffic) for the company chosen at the beginning of the course have been constructed, the final synthesis document will be drawn up that reflects the Digital Marketing Plan constructed, giving coherence and integrating the different parts carried out in previous blocks and integrating the modifications and improvements previously identified. Objectives:12345678 Contents:
It consists of the delivery on the virtual campus (racó) of the document prepared with the DMP. Objectives:12345678 Week:
15 (Outside class hours)
Guided learning
Autonomous learning
Teaching methodology
Internet Marketing aims for you to be able to create a Digital Marketing Plan (DMP) with the tools of digital marketing and to have a minimum ability to use the most common tools. That is to say, on the one hand, to come up with a plan, but on the other hand, to learn to use the most common services and tools. Obviously, there is some "theoretical" knowledge that you need to acquire in order to be able to do this. This knowledge is provided through readings from the proposed book, blog articles, videos, etc. that will be indicated for each block. In some classes, the teacher will emphasise the most relevant or most difficult aspects of these readings, or doubts will be discussed, etc.
Students are organised into working groups that have to create a Digital Marketing Plan for a fictitious company that they imagine. This DMP is constructed over the course of the four-month period. There are several thematic blocks of 2-4 weeks and, for each one of them, a document is provided with the description of the tasks to be carried out in a work group and explanations of how to do them (except for B3 on Digital Analytics, whose tasks are included in the other blocks). The tasks carried out in each block must be handed in and some groups of students will be required to present their work for assessment in a final class of each block.
It is very important that students take advantage of the classes, especially the laboratory classes, to:
- work and coordinate with their group, share tasks, compare information, reach agreements, make decisions, etc.
- receive information from the teacher, ask questions or make queries about the tasks or the documentation to be read, etc.
Evaluation methodology
Elements of evaluation are:
- NSeg: mark on the completion of the self-learning activities (deliveries and presentations of the block tasks and writen analytics exercise).
- NPMD: mark on the digital marketing plan.
The final grade is calculated as follows: NF = 70% * NSeg + 30% * NPMD
Regarding the assessment of the generic competence (G9.3) will be based on the written exercise of digital analytics. Grades will take the values: A, B, C, D, according to:
> A if the mark is between 8.5 and 10
> B if the mark is between 6.5 and 8.4
> C if the mark is between 5 and 6.4
> D if mark is between 0 and 4.9