Bachelor Degree in Informatics Engineering

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The Bachelor Degree in Informatics Engineering (GEI) is taught at the FIB since September 2010. It provides graduates with all required knowledge, skills and competences to work in the field of Informatics Engineering. The syllabus of the Bachelor Degree in Informatics Engineering is compliant with the European Higher Education Area (EHEA).
The FIB is one of the few Spanish center where students can be trained in any of the five internationally recognized areas of Informatics Engineering.

Responsible: Lidia Montero Mercadé - (Vice-dean/Director of studies)

Cut-off mark

10,410 (2024-2025 academic year)




The degree lasts 4 academic years and it comprises a 240 ECTS workload.


Full time: 20h lectures and 20h-25h personal workload per week.
Part time: 10h lectures and 10h-12.5h personal workload per week.


Subjects are delivered in Catalan, Spanish or English. Students can check related information on the website.


Students should have a good grounding in science, logical reasoning skills, ability to handle abstract models and good observation, attention and concentration skills.

Quality labels

Further information on the FIB quality system.

Euro-inf Bachelor Degree in Informatics Engineering