Development and Management of Information Systems

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This subject has not requirements, but it has got previous capacities
In this subject we analyze Information Systems (IS) in the organization and its IT component. We will study the historical evolution of IS and how they evolve with respect to available technology and how these changes affect the organization. We will work on the IS alignment aspects with the organization's mission and objectives, systems design, quality aspects, project management and management of the organization's service portfolio.


Person in charge

  • Marc Alier Forment ( )

Weekly hours

Guided learning
Autonomous learning


Technical Competences of each Specialization


  • CTE1 - Capability to model, design, define the architecture, implement, manage, operate, administrate and maintain applications, networks, systems, services and computer contents.
  • CTE3 - Capability to secure, manage, audit and certify the quality of developments, processes, systems, services, applications and software products.
  • CTE5 - Capability to analyze the information needs that arise in an environment and carry out all the stages in the process of building an information system.

Generic Technical Competences


  • CG1 - Capability to plan, calculate and design products, processes and facilities in all areas of Computer Science.
  • CG2 - Capacity for management of products and installations of computer systems, complying with current legislation and ensuring the quality of service.
  • CG3 - Capability to lead, plan and supervise multidisciplinary teams.
  • CG6 - Capacity for general management, technical management and research projects management, development and innovation in companies and technology centers in the area of Computer Science.
  • CG7 - Capacity for implementation, direction and management of computer manufacturing processes, with guarantee of safety for people and assets, the final quality of the products and their homologation.
  • CG9 - Capacity to understand and apply ethical responsibility, law and professional deontology of the activity of the Informatics Engineering profession.

Transversal Competences


  • CB8 - Capability to communicate their conclusions, and the knowledge and rationale underpinning these, to both skilled and unskilled public in a clear and unambiguous way.


  1. To acquire an overview of what an information system is
    Related competences: CTE1, CTE3, CTE5,
  2. To understand the need to assess the quality of information systems and to know existing strategies and benchmarks for quality assessment
    Related competences: CTE3, CB8, CG9,
  3. To be able to develop an Information Systems Plan
    Related competences: CTE3, CB8, CG2, CG7,
  4. To know how to elicit rquisites for diferents components of an infomration system
    Related competences: CTE5, CB8, CG3, CG9,
  5. Know how to define business processes in BPMN and identify the requirements for the IS
    Related competences: CTE1, CTE5, CG1, CB8,
  6. To know the diferent software architectures applied to information systems and to know about its adecuacy in diferent cases
    Related competences: CTE1, CTE5, CB8, CG6,
  7. To know the fundamentals of software product line engineering and the contexts in which they are useful
    Related competences: CTE1, CTE5, CB8, CG6,
  8. To know some principles and strategies for evaluating the usability in information systems
    Related competences: CTE3, CB8, CG9,
  9. To understand the differences between agile development methodologies and traditional ones and to be able to choose wich in a given case
    Related competences: CTE1, CTE3, CB8, CG3, CG6,


  1. Introduction
    Information system concept, information system development process and stages and quality of information systems
  2. Historical development in information systems
    We will analyze the historical evolution of information systems in organizations. We will see how the various technological developments have been introduced to the organization and its processes and how this has affected the management department.
  3. Information systems Governance and Management
  4. Software product lines and information systems portfolio. BPMN Process analysis
  5. Usability and Information systems
  6. Project management, methodologies and approaches


Activity Evaluation act


During the course aspetctes various theoretical work, case analysis, research and exercises. The results of this work must be submitted by each student in your portfolio. This activity will be evaluated using a rubric.
Objectives: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Guided learning
Autonomous learning

Examen DGSI

L'examen de DGSI el faran els alumnes que no arribin a un promig de 6 en l'avaluació continuada.
Objectives: 1 2 5 6 7 8 9
Week: 1
Guided learning
Autonomous learning

Teaching methodology

The course is divided into different types of sessions. But all sessions will be held in the same classroom. Theory sessions. These are sessions where the teacher presents the main concepts of the issues that form the subject content so exhibition and raising some questions to students to encourage their participation. In addition to the concepts, the teacher will encourage students to study articles relacionats.Sessions presentations. These sessions are based on public exhibitions of students' own articles related to topics covered in the course. After each presentation, time will be devoted to a discussion on the topic treated with the participation of all students and the teacher's guide. The goal is to discuss the main points of the article, the subject treated and further discuss possible points of dispute. Expected active participation by all estudiants.Sessions laboratory. These sessions work plan informacióNota Systems: The teaching method used in the course requires students to acquire new knowledge independently using bibliographic sources that are normally in English. It is essential that students have a sufficient level of English without much difficulty assimilating this literature (technical).

Evaluation methodology

Nota Avaluació continuada (AC)= ( Portfoli * 2 + Presentació + Projecte + Lliuraments exercicis) / 5

Si (AC>=6) Nota DSGSI = AC
Nota DGSI = (AC * 6 + Examen * 4 ) / 10

La nota competencia CB8 = Presentació



Web links

Previous capacities

The previous capabilities required by the master MEI.