La asignatura estará basada en la descripción del modelo de excelencia EFQM. Se estudiarán aspectos como la política y estrategia de las organizaciones, el liderazgo, la gestión del personal, la gestión de recursos, los procesos, la satisfacción del cliente y del personal de la organización, el impacto social y el análisis de resultados.
Detallaremos las relaciones/implicaciones con el paradigma de la industria 4.0, contribuyendo al cuerpo de conocimiento de la Calidad 4.0. Se detallarán los pilares de la industria 4.0 y cómo éstos ayudan en el proceso de transformación digital de una organización.
Person in charge
Pau Fonseca Casas (
Joan Garcia Subirana (
Weekly hours
Guided learning
Autonomous learning
Technical Competences of each Specialization
Direcció i gestió
CDG2 - Capacity for strategic planning, development, direction, coordination, and technical and economic management in the areas of Informatics Engineering related to: systems, applications, services, networks, infrastructure or computer facilities and software development centers or factories, respecting the implementation of quality and environmental criteria in multidisciplinary working environments .
CTE3 - Capability to secure, manage, audit and certify the quality of developments, processes, systems, services, applications and software products.
CTE4 - Capability to design, develop, manage and evaluate mechanisms of certification and safety guarantee in the management and access to information in a local or distributed processing.
Generic Technical Competences
CG5 - Capacity for the development, strategic planning, leadership, coordination and technical and financial management of projects in all areas of Informatics Engineering, keeping up with quality and environmental criteria.
CG9 - Capacity to understand and apply ethical responsibility, law and professional deontology of the activity of the Informatics Engineering profession.
Transversal Competences
Entrepreneurship and innovation
CTR1 - Capacity for knowing and understanding a business organization and the science that rules its activity, capability to understand the labour rules and the relationships between planning, industrial and commercial strategies, quality and profit. Capacity for developping creativity, entrepreneurship and innovation trend.
Sustainability and social commitment
CTR2 - Capability to know and understand the complexity of the typical economic and social phenomena of the welfare society. Capacity for being able to analyze and assess the social and environmental impact.
Understanding the EFQM model and be able to use it in a specific business environment.
Related competences:
Understanding the relationship of the EFQM model with the sustainability in a specific business area.
Related competences:
The EFQM model
Introduction of the EFQM model.
Explanation of the basic concepts of sustainability and its relationship with the EFQM model.
ActivityEvaluation act
Industry 4.0
We will discover how the levers of Industry 4.0 are revolutionizing business models and opening new doors. We will analyze in detail the benefits of implementing these technologies, such as productivity improvement, process optimization, product customization and cost reduction. We will see how these tools allow us to build smarter and more efficient factories
As a European Foundation, we inspire organisations to achieve sustainable excellence by engaging leaders to learn, share and innovate using the EFQM Excellence Model.
Previous capacities
Follow the course requires no prior specific capacities, the course is self contained.