IT must be part of institutional strategic planning / business and be governed jointly and aligned with corporate strategy. We need to establish strategic objectives and select the decisions we make about where, when and how to invest in technology to achieve achieve those objectives so as to improve the competitiveness and efficiency of the company or university or other public institution.
The IT governance is the system through which it directs and controls the use of current and future IT. It involves the management and evaluation of plans using IT that support the organization and monitoring this use to achieve plans set out in the organization. Includes strategies and policies for use of IT within the organization.
In the course we will address three issues:
1. What decisions should be made to ensure effective management and use of IT.
2. Who should make these decisions.
3. How will be implemented and monitored.
We will focus on the following areas:
The alignment between organizational strategy and IT.
Obtaining IT generates value for the organization.
Mechanisms for appropriate measurements to assess IT as a whole and to make decisions about their government.
Risk management in a given time may affect and negatively impact the activities and processes of the organization.
IT resources management and optimum utilization thereof.
The practical part is based on the case method, based on known cases of companies where students simulate decision making.
Person in charge
Fernando Barrabes Naval (
Weekly hours
Guided learning
Autonomous learning
Technical Competences of each Specialization
Direcció i gestió
CDG1 - Capability to integrate technologies, applications, services and systems of Informatics Engineering, in general and in broader and multicisciplinary contexts.
CDG2 - Capacity for strategic planning, development, direction, coordination, and technical and economic management in the areas of Informatics Engineering related to: systems, applications, services, networks, infrastructure or computer facilities and software development centers or factories, respecting the implementation of quality and environmental criteria in multidisciplinary working environments .
CDG3 - Capability to manage research, development and innovation projects in companies and technology centers, guaranteeing the safety of people and assets, the final quality of products and their homologation.
Generic Technical Competences
CG3 - Capability to lead, plan and supervise multidisciplinary teams.
CG5 - Capacity for the development, strategic planning, leadership, coordination and technical and financial management of projects in all areas of Informatics Engineering, keeping up with quality and environmental criteria.
CG6 - Capacity for general management, technical management and research projects management, development and innovation in companies and technology centers in the area of Computer Science.
CG10 - Capacity to apply economics, human resources and projects management principles, as well as legislation, regulation and standardization of Informatics.
Transversal Competences
Entrepreneurship and innovation
CTR1 - Capacity for knowing and understanding a business organization and the science that rules its activity, capability to understand the labour rules and the relationships between planning, industrial and commercial strategies, quality and profit. Capacity for developping creativity, entrepreneurship and innovation trend.
CTR3 - Capacity of being able to work as a team member, either as a regular member or performing directive activities, in order to help the development of projects in a pragmatic manner and with sense of responsibility; capability to take into account the available resources.
Information literacy
CTR4 - Capability to manage the acquisition, structuring, analysis and visualization of data and information in the area of informatics engineering, and critically assess the results of this effort.
Appropiate attitude towards work
CTR5 - Capability to be motivated by professional achievement and to face new challenges, to have a broad vision of the possibilities of a career in the field of informatics engineering. Capability to be motivated by quality and continuous improvement, and to act strictly on professional development. Capability to adapt to technological or organizational changes. Capacity for working in absence of information and/or with time and/or resources constraints.
CTR6 - Capacity for critical, logical and mathematical reasoning. Capability to solve problems in their area of study. Capacity for abstraction: the capability to create and use models that reflect real situations. Capability to design and implement simple experiments, and analyze and interpret their results. Capacity for analysis, synthesis and evaluation.
CB6 - Ability to apply the acquired knowledge and capacity for solving problems in new or unknown environments within broader (or multidisciplinary) contexts related to their area of study.
CB7 - Ability to integrate knowledges and handle the complexity of making judgments based on information which, being incomplete or limited, includes considerations on social and ethical responsibilities linked to the application of their knowledge and judgments.
CB8 - Capability to communicate their conclusions, and the knowledge and rationale underpinning these, to both skilled and unskilled public in a clear and unambiguous way.
CB9 - Possession of the learning skills that enable the students to continue studying in a way that will be mainly self-directed or autonomous.
Study the concept of IT Governance as a system through which it manages and controls the use of IT today and tomorrow
Related competences:
Managing IT risk decisions, at a given time, may affect negatively impact on the activities and processes of the organization.
IT resource management and optimum utilization of the same
Related competences:
Importance of IT Governance and Strategic Planning
The main responsibilities for the governance of IT must fall and be supported
directly by the top management
Current status of IT governance
This chapter will discuss what the current state of IT governance. This will provide the student with an overview of what is the degree of implementation of government IT systems in different international organizations.
The aim is to understand that these systems are used more and starting to be considered as a key element of a government organization.
What is IT governance?
3.1. Government vs Corporate governance of IT
3.2. Operation, Administration and Governance of IT
3.3. Concept of IT governance
3.4. Concept of IT governance according to ISO 38500
3.5. Conclusions
3.6. references
Government Areas of IT
4.1.Alineación of IT with the business
4.2. Value generated by IT
4.3. Measuring the performance of IT
4.4. Risk management
4.5. IT Resource Management
4.6. Areas versus Principles
4.7. Conclusions
4.8. references
Structures and relationships in the IT governance
5.1. Structures, roles and responsibilities
5.1.1. Involve deAdministración Council in IT Governance
5.1.2. The roles of the CEO, the CIO and executives in IT Governance
5.1.3. Create specific committees for strategic IT management
5.2. Mechanisms relationship in IT Governance
5.3. Main contributions of the ISO 38500
5.4. Conclusions
5.5. references
IT-related decisions: what to decide? Who decides?
6.1. Supplier Information Services Strategic vs.Aliado
IT vs 6.2.Administración. Government IT
6.3. Key decisions for IT governance
6.4. Decision models
6.5. The matrix deWeill and Ross
6.6. The matrix for the Spanish University System
6.7. Implementing IT governance in an organization
6.8. Conclusions
6.9. references
Processes for IT governance
7.1. introduction
7.2. IT Strategic Planning
7.3. Models maturity
7.4. IT dashboards
7.5. Processes applied to the business
7.6. Conclusions
Tools for the implementation of IT governance: ISO 38500
8.1. introduction
8.2. Tools for the implementation of IT governance
8.3. ISO / IEC 38500:2008
8.3.1. standard definitions
8.3.2. Framework
8.3.3. Guide recommendations
8.4. The ISO 38500 in relation to universities
8.5. Conclusions
8.6. references
9.1. introduction
9.2. COBIT Product Development
9.3. The COBIT Framework
9.3.1. Guidance to business objectives
9.3.2. Definitions
9.3.3. Principles of the framework
9.4. references
Model of Government IT to universities (GTI4U)
10.1. introduction
10.2. GTI4U model elements
10.3. Level 1: Elements of ISO 38500
10.3.1. IT governance model of ISO 38500
10.3.2. Principles of ISO 38500
10.3.3. Governance Guidelines of ISO 38500
10.4. Level 2: Maturity Models (MM)
10.5. Level 3: Indicators of Government (IG)
10.5.1. Maturity Matters (CM)
10.5.2. Indicators Evidence of Government (IEG)
10.5.3. Quantitative Indicators of Government (ICG)
10.6. Conclusions
10.7. references
Self-assessment of the maturity of IT governance by GTI4U
11.1. introduction
11.2. Phases of the self-assessment process
11.3. Example of a self-assessment
11.3.1. Collect values of quantitative indicators of Government (ICG)
11.3.2. Indicators Suggest values for Evidence of Government (IEG)
11.3.3. Agree on a single value for each IEG
11.3.4. Answer questions Maturity (CM)
11.3.5. Agree a unique value for each maturity of IT governance principle
11.3.6. Reports on the maturity of IT governance
11.4. Conclusions
11.5. references
How to implement IT governance in a public or private?
12.1. introduction
12.2. Factors facilitating and hindering implementation
12.2.1. Why implement an IT governance system?
12.2.2. Effectiveness of an IT governance system
12.2.3.Aspectos highlights of the implementation
12.3. Steps to implement IT governance in a University
12.3.1. Implementation TOP-DOWN
12.3.2. Main steps of an implementation
12.4. Implementation of Model GTI4U
12.4.1. Steps implantation
12.4.2. Key actions recommended
12.5. Conclusions
12.6. references
The Government IT Strategy Management System. Examples
13.1. introduction
13.2. Context: Creating UJI 1991 -1996
13.3. The information system of the UJI and Systems Plan 1996-2001
13.4. 2001-2009 Strategic Steering System
13.4.1 Motivation
13.4.2 Instruments and deployment
13.4.3 Positioning in IT / IS
13.5. Technological Framework IT / IT as an instrument of government in the UJI.
13.5.1 usual stages in evolution of the IS / IT
13.5.2 Position of the Government in the SDE IT
Result 13.5.3 Process redesign deAnalizar and IT / IS
13.5.4 Comparison Framework IT / IS with the governance model of the IT / IS
13.6. references
ActivityEvaluation act
Importance of IT Governance and Strategic Planning
The main responsibilities related to the governance of IT must fall and be supported directly by the highest leadership Objectives:12 Contents:
In this chapter we will analyze what is the current status of IT governance. For that provides students with an overview of the degree of implementation of systems of government IT organizations worldwide. The goal is to be understood that such systems are increasingly used and have started to be considered as a key element of a government organization. Objectives:2 Contents:
The aim of this chapter is to present a definition of IT governance. To meet this objective, we analyze, first
Instead, the relationship between IT governance and corporate governance, to differentiate it from other concepts later
as IT management or operation of IT. The bases of differentiation of the concept,
analyze key definitions found in the literature, detailing those with greater acceptance.
Because of its importance, special mention is made to the ISO 38500:2008 "Corporate governance of information technology."
This standard, which is complementary to other related systems and information technology, establishes
standards for IT governance in any organization. Objectives:2 Contents:
The main purpose of IT governance is to generate business value while minimizing the associated risks. to generate
value, it is necessary to align IT strategy with business strategy. Minimizing risk is achieved
when responsibility and the principle of accountability for the actions taken permeates all areas
and organizational levels. In both cases, it is necessary to have a set of adequate resources and a system
measurement to ensure that the desired results are obtained. Objectives:1 Contents:
IT governance is an important part of the corporate governance framework of any organization and is, in
Once, a business system shall be such that its structure, processes, roles and technology that have
to be implemented at the strategic, tactical and operational. A specific combination of these elements is called
IT Governance Model. Objectives:13
Guided learning
Autonomous learning
IT-related decisions: what to decide? Who decides?
The design and analysis of IT governance, requires departing from day to day, to identify what are the key decisions
to be taken and who is best positioned to take them. This chapter deals with two questions
major addresses to which the IT governance:
What decisions should be made?
Who should make those decisions? Objectives:3
Guided learning
Autonomous learning
Processes for IT governance
In this chapter we will focus on the processes that are related to the strategic decision-making, planning
strategic information systems, services management, and monitoring tools,
control and process definition (COBIT, ITIL, IT CMI, etc.) Objectives:12
Guided learning
Autonomous learning
Tools for the implementation of IT governance: ISO 38500
The purpose of this standard is to promote the efficient, effective and acceptable
IT across the organization:
Ensuring stakeholders (including investors, customers and employees)
that, if you follow the standard, you can trust in corporate governance
Informing and guiding managers in government IT in your organization.
Providing the basis for an objective assessment of the state of
Government IT in the organization. Objectives:23
Guided learning
Autonomous learning
COBIT ayuda las save brechas between Risks of business, needs
Technical Control and traits. Provides "healthy Practices" through
a frame of reference and processes your domain and presents activities in a
manageable and logical structure. Practice the finest of the COBIT representan
Experts Consenso of them, Helping you optimize the investment in information,
Still but more important, it representan that you will be evaluated on whether
salted the things worse. Objectives:23
Guided learning
Autonomous learning
Model of Government IT to universities (GTI4U)
It is designed and validated a framework of IT Governance for Universities (GTI4U). This framework
is based and fully respects the IT governance model proposed by ISO 38500. Yet provides
a number of tools to be easily deployed in a university setting. Objectives:2
Guided learning
Autonomous learning
Self-assessment of the maturity of IT governance by GTI4U
This chapter will present a case study that will serve as a guide to the assessment process
of IT governance maturity in our university, modeled GTI4U Objectives:2
Guided learning
Autonomous learning
How to implement IT governance in a public or private?
This chapter will try to establish what is the process to be followed by a university or company to implement a system
government of its Information Technology (IT). Objectives:123
Guided learning
Autonomous learning
The Government IT Strategy Management System. Examples
The government IT strategy management system of the Universitat Jaume I Objectives:123
Lectures will be complemented by class exercises or case method and self-learning by previous readings. Working through these exercises helps students understand and reflect on given themes. An exercise consists of solving a case/problem through the techniques learnt and by using computer tools, discussing situations and/or making presentation in class.
Evaluation methodology
The assessment will be based on the following items:
- A part exam - P1
- A part exam - P2
- Participation in and solution of class exercises - E
- Final exam (F)