

Q1:September-January Q2:February-June

Acronym Complete name Open 24-25
AMMM Algorithmic Methods for Mathematical Models Q1, Q2
CPDS Concurrence, Parallelism and Distributed Systems Q1
SMDE Statistical Modelling and Design of Experiments Q1, Q2
TMIRI Techniques and Methodology of Innovation and Research in Informatics Q1, Q2
SIRI Seminars of Innovation and Research in Informatics Q1, Q2


Advanced Computing

Specialization compulsory subjects
Acronym Complete name Open 24-25
ADS Advanced Data Structures Q2
CC Computational Complexity Q2
CPS Combinatorial Problem Solving Q2
RA Randomized Algorithms Q1
Specialization complementary subjects
Acronym Complete name Open 24-25
ADM Algorithmics for Data Mining Q2
AGT Algorithmic Game Theory Q2
AVLSI Algorithms for VLSI Q1
CSN Complex and Social Networks Q1

Computer Graphics and Virtual Reality

Specialization compulsory subjects
Acronym Complete name Open 24-25
A3DM Advanced 3d Modeling Q2
FRR Fast Realistic Rendering Q2
GTCG Geometric Tools for Computer Graphics Q1
VAR Virtual and Augmented Reality Q1
Specialization complementary subjects
Acronym Complete name Open 24-25
CA Computer Animation Q1
GPR Geometry Processing Q1
SRGGE Scalable Rendering for Graphics and Game Engines Q2
SV Scientific Visualization Q1

Computer Networks and Distributed Systems

Specialization compulsory subjects
Acronym Complete name Open 24-25
CNANM Computer Network Architectures and Network Management Q1
SANS Statistical Analysis of Networks and Systems Q1
SNM Stochastic Network Modelling Q1
TOML Topics On Optimization and Machine Learning Q2
Specialization complementary subjects
Acronym Complete name Open 24-25
CCBDA Cloud Computing and Big Data Analytics Q2
DS Decentralized Systems Q2
FINE Future Internet Networks Q1
IAS Internet Applications and Security Q1

Data Science

Specialization complementary subjects
Acronym Complete name Open 24-25
ADM Algorithmics for Data Mining Q2
AHLT Advanced Human Languages Technologies Q2
BDM Big Data Management Q2
BSG Bioinformatics and Statistical Genetics Q1
IRRS Information Retrieval and Recommender Systems Q1
VBP Viability of Business Projects Q2

High Performance Computing

Specialization compulsory subjects
Acronym Complete name Open 24-25
MA Multiprocessors Architecture Q2
OS Operating Systems Q1
PA Processor Architecture Q1
Specialization complementary subjects
Acronym Complete name Open 24-25
APA Advanced Processor Architecture Q2
CHPC Compilers for High Performance Computers Q1
NCD Nanoelectronic Circuit Design Q1
PD Processor Design Q2
PPTM Parallel Programming Tools and Models Q2
SA Supercomputers Architecture Q1
SCA Supercomputing for Challenging Applications Q1

Service Engineering

Specialization complementary subjects
Acronym Complete name Open 24-25
BDM Big Data Management Q2
VBP Viability of Business Projects Q2


Acronym Complete name Open 24-25
I2P Interdisciplinary Innovation Project Q2
I2RM3 Introduction to Research Q1, Q2
I2RM6 Introduction to Research Q1, Q2
MLOPS Machine Learning Systems in Production Q1

Q1:September-January Q2:February-June

Extinct Subjects

Acronym Complete name
ADSDB Algorithms, Data Structures and Databases
AM Advanced Modelling
ANLP Advanced Natural Language Processing
ASE Advanced Software Engineering
ASM Advanced Statistical Modelling
BIP Business Intelligence Project
BSG Bioinformatics and Statistical Genetics
CLC Cloud Computing
CN Computer Networks
DAKD Data Analysis and Knowledge Discovery
DEWS Design and Evaluation of Web-Based Systems
DW Data Warehousing
EA Elements of Animation
EB E-Business
GP Geometric Processing
INM Introduction to Network Modelling
IR Information Retrieval
KMLMM Kernel-Based Machine Learning and Multivariate Modelling
MGTN Mechanisms and Game Theory in Networks
ML Machine Learning
MVA Multivariate Analysis
OD Open Data
OTDM Optimization Techniques for Data Mining
RES Requirements Engineering for Services
RRMM Real-Time Rendering of Massive Models
SEAIT Social and Environmental Aspects of Information Technology
SIBIT Service Innovation Based On Information Technologies
SM Service Management
SNLP Statistical Natural Language Processing
SOA Service Oriented Architecture
SOBI Service Oriented Business Intelligence
VV Volume Visualization
WS Web Services