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Conferčncia: "In search of fairness. Critical design alternatives for Sustainability"

Introduïda: 13-12-2016
A cŕrrec de les professores: Tessy Cerratto Pargman and Somya Joshi
Quan: Dimecres 14 de desembre
Hora: 11:00h
Lloc: Edifici C6-E101
Caught between the infinite promise unleashed by technology proliferation and the unprecedented scale of resource depletion, waste and inequity, we inhabit a space where critical alternatives are sought more than ever. As a reflection of the above, we find in HCI, a slant towards technological fixes to existing sustainability problems, as opposed to a more holistic approach that includes behavioural and societal change. It is within this context that this paper is situated, where we propose a socio-ecological approach and argue our case for a life-cycle lens towards building systems that are in line with current understanding of the earth’s finite resources. We do so by presenting an illustrative case study of what such critical alternatives might look like, by examining the Fairphone movement. We contribute to a deeper understanding of how social value laden enterprises along with open technological design can shape sustainable relationships between our environment and us.

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