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King Game Jam

Introduïda: 05-10-2015
Tens passió per fer jocs? Vols passar un cap de setmana creant un joc amb d'altres persones que comparteixen la teva passió? Aleshores el repte King Game Jam és el que has estat esperant.
What is the King GameJam?
The King GameJam challenge is a creative coding event for all sorts of individuals who have a passion for making games. The event will be taking place at our King Studio in Barcelona, from 7th to 8th of November 2015.

It’s a great chance to show off those sweet game making skills of yours while collaborating and learning with others. Be ready to create a bit of magic in a fun, creative, environment.

How does it work?

We’re looking for all types of individuals to take on the King GameJam challenge.

Participants will get to flex their imagination, meet super- talented people from around the industry and develop something awesome. Not to mention it’s a great chance to get a feel for the King creative experience!

If this sounds like your idea of fun, then sign up now!

Further information: King Game Jam


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